Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    November 15, 2017
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU honors Dalia Freyfer: What she achieved is proof of keen insight and great courage

    In great appreciation for her commitment and bravery, RHU honored the distinguished broadcast presenter Ms. Dalia Freyferon Tuesday November 28 at 11:00 in the MEA Hall.


    RHU Acting Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Mohamad Taha, accorded her an honoring award and expressed the university's appreciation for her bravery and resolution in achieving her dreams despite all the difficulties imposed by her loss of sight.


    Ms. Frayfer broke the Guinness world record for the longest live broadcast, having hosted more than 91 people in a 24 hour period on Tele Liban.


    Addressing Ms. Frayfer, Dr Taha praised her ability to overcome the complications of a live broadcast. “As a person who is deprived the sense of sight, what you achieved is proof of your keen insight and great courage.”


    Ms. Feyfer then delivered a small word to the audience expressing her joy and happiness to be at RHU. “It is a great honor,” she said “to be given this award by the University which carries the name of a man who believed in the importance of knowledge and dedicated his life to reforming his country and educating its youth.” Following her word Ms. Farayfer performed a song accompanied by music played on the keyboard by RHU student Mohamad Saade.

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