Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    October 19, 2018
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    A pink capped breast cancer awareness event at RHU "Let your Faith be Bigger than your Fear”

    As breast cancer doesn’t wait to strike anytime the dearest to one’s heart, women were reminded to check up regularly during the RHU Breast Cancer Awareness event “Let your Faith be Bigger than your Fear.”


    Organized by RHU Student Affairs Office, the pink capped event began at 11:00 a.m. on October 17, 2018 at the RHU MEA Conference Hall.


    It celebrated the bravery and resilience of two wonderful ladies who spoke about their battles with breast cancer, sent out inspirational messages to all women out there, and left everyone in tears. The event culminated with a pink human ribbon and pink balloons that were sent to the sky in an expression of hope and optimism.


    The event hosted RHU alumna and staff member Ms. Diana Zarif Mikati who spoke about her battle with breast cancer and sent out valuable advice for all women. While breaking down was an option, she chose to be brave. “Don't take your health for granted. Early detection is the key. Know your body and know the changes in it especially if there is history of cancer in the family.”


    RHU was also blessed to have an inspiring victim of breast cancer, Ms. Maysaa Raad, share her story of her struggle and survival. Ms. Maysaa Raad spoke of her resilience and determination to staying strong and brave and invited every affected victim to keep the faith saying, “If I can, then you can. Keep faith in God.”


    The audience found comfort and support watching a video of encouraging and heartening messages by RHU faculty, staff and students inspiring women to remain strong and never give up on hope while emphasizing the importance of early detection and diagnosis.


    Following the seminar, the clubs, societies, and athletic teams held multiple pink-branded activities in the RHU lower campus. These included a dedicated-for-women football game, beauty tents for hair and nail polish, and a grand fund-raiser that succeeded in collecting a sum of around 2000 USD to be donated to one or more affected victims of breast cancer.

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