RHU celebrated the holy month of Ramadan by hosting an Iftar event for over 200 orphans from Dar Al Aytam and other esteemed institutions on April 4, 2024. The event was organized by the Student Affairs Office and was filled with joy, entertainment, and heartfelt support.
The event began at 4:30 p.m. with the arrival of the children on campus. The program started with interactive games, fascinating physics experiments, face painting, and an interactive drama. The kids enjoyed the juggler's presentation and the lively music of a band that filled the campus with enthusiasm and energy.
A special entertainment program was organized to celebrate the spirit of Ramadan. It included an Islamic Chanting group, a butterfly show, and a variety of delicious sweets for after iftar. All the kids received gifts, goodie bags, and an envelope with a money gift for Eid Fitr.
"We would like to thank the entire RHU community for their consistent support and generosity, which has helped make this event a huge success," said Ms. Sahar Hallak, Assistant Director of Student Affairs at RHU. "Together, we've created a night full of humanity, compassion, and unconditional joy."