RHU Non-degree programs are designed for students and professionals who wish to improve their skills or educate themselves in a particular field or area. RHU shall provide the following Non-degree programs during Summer 2019.
High School students in grades 11 and 12 are invited to join RHU College of Arts English Summer Program. The Program that takes place between July 1 and August 16, 2019 will teach high school students to speak and write English fluently while having fun. Students will enhance their English language skills while learning how to develop computer games, acquire adobe Photoshop and adobe illustrator skills. They will play sports and go on weekly field trips. Fees are only 375 USD that will be waived to student fees upon joining RHU and getting an average of 70 in the Program. The program will extend over a period from July 1 to August 16, 2019.
For more information contact RHU College of Arts on 05-603090 Ext 201 or by email da_hl@rhu.edu.lb.
Rafik Hariri University has always been the right place to develop young students’ interest and passion in robotics and technology and is proud to host its first Techno Camp designed for teenagers ages 14 to 18. The program is tailored to shape the minds of the future robotics engineers and computer scientists combined with numerous and fun summer activities. The camp will extend over a period of two weeks from July 1 to 13, 2019.
During the first week of the program, participants will learn the basics of programming and design concepts related to robotics and web development techniques. The second week will focus on problem-solving and team-oriented competitions, such as robo-soccer, line-tracking robots, maze-solving robots, and many others. In addition, participants will develop their personal web pages and host them online.
At the end of our educational camp, students would have acquired the basic skills that can help them develop and pursue high-level robotics and participate in national, regional, and international competitions. Furthermore, they would have acquired the essential knowledge and techniques for developing websites.
The fees are 100$.
To register contact RHU Admissions on 05-603090 Ext. 405-406-407 or by email to admissions@rhu.edu.lb.
The College of Business Administration at Rafik Hariri University proudly presents its first training course on Digital and Social Media Marketing delivered by Dr. Marwan Wahbi.
KEY FEATURES This course prepares participants for the Professional Certified Marketer (PCM®) - Digital Marketing exam from the well-known and prestigious American Marketing Association (AMA). It also offers a unique and in-depth understanding of how to effectively set strategies and implement powerful digital marketing campaigns that work. Participants will learn what the skills needed to excel in a digital marketing environment.
TOPICS COVERED 1. Foundations of Digital Marketing 2. Metrics and Conversions (Google Analytics) 3. Content Marketing 4. Search Engine Marketing (SEO and PPC) 5. Social Media Marketing 6. Email Marketing 7. Online and Digital Display Advertising (Google AdWords)
METHODOLOGY AND DELIVERY TECHNIQUE 1. Small group discussions and lectures 2. Online video tutorials and resources 3. Case studies and real-business scenarios 4. Applied online simulations 5. Course reading materials and handouts
DURATION AND LOCATION The RHU Digital and Social Media Marketing training course will be offered as follows: • 54 direct contact hours • 18 three-hour sessions: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 6:00 to 9:00 PM • Start day: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 • End day: Thursday, August 8, 2019 • Location: RHU Extended Learning Hall – Hariri Foundation, Beirut
WHO CAN ATTEND? This training course enables anyone to learn the essential skills they need to success in a digital marketing environment. It is perfect, however, for: • Traditional marketing specialists • Digital marketing professionals • Entrepreneurs • Business owners • Recent graduates The course is open to the public, along with RHU students, alumni, and staff.
COURSE FEES • USD 1,250 • Course fees include enrollment application, instructional hours, reading materials and handouts, and applied online simulations • Course fees DO NOT include the AMA® PCM® LinkedIn online video tutorials or AMA® PCM® Digital Marketing Exam fees. These are optional and separate from the course • RHU students, alumni, and employees are eligible for a 15% special discount • Early-bird and group registration are eligible for an exclusive discount