Venture and innovation opportunities; concept and strategy; the Technopreneur; planning; resource acquisition and organization; financing, marketing and sustainability of enterprise. Prerequisite: ENGR 300. Annually.
This course covers time series analysis, frequency analysis, time-frequency and time-scale analysis. It also covers the design of digital filters and signal modeling. Prerequisite: CCEE 231.
This course seeks to provide the student with a basic understanding of the concepts of Advanced Biomedical Imaging systems. It consists of dealing with tomographic modalities that result in 3D slices images. The course focuses on the nature of wave, physical principle and instrumentation of each of the three concerned imaging technologies. It applies the interactions of radiation with human tissues and the fundamentals of slice reconstruction systems. Major applications are in Magnetic Resonance, Computed Tomography, Nuclear Medicine, PET and SPECT scans.
Specific topics covered include: Radon; 2DFT, translations, rotations, generations, magnetic moment, spin, relaxations, gradient, superconductivity, sequence, contrast, k-space, resolution, artifacts, scintillation, positron, single photon emission.
Prerequisite: BIOM 421
If you have a query about a specific major or application,please contact the relevant Administrative Assistant.
Administrative Assistant Tel: +961 5 60 30 90 Ext. 501