Venture and innovation opportunities; concept and strategy; the Technopreneur; planning; resource acquisition and organization; financing, marketing and sustainability of enterprise. Prerequisite: ENGR 300. Annually.
This course covers time series analysis, frequency analysis, time-frequency and time-scale analysis. It also covers the design of digital filters and signal modeling. Prerequisite: CCEE 231.
Analysis, design, construction, maintenance, and evolution of large software systems are covered. Students are introduced to the system life cycle, project management techniques, and database systems. Analysis, design and implementation of a software systems are also included. Prerequisite: CCEE 214. Equivalent to COSC 341.
This course introduces students to the basic knowledge representation and learning methods of artificial intelligence. The emphasis will be on understanding the fundamental artificial intelligence concepts, as well as being able to practically apply the corresponding approaches in solving practical problems and developing useful software applications. Covered topics include: machine learning, genetic algorithms, knowledge representation techniques and neural networks. The MATLAB programming language and WEKA library will also be introduced Prerequisite: CCEE 214.
If you have a query about a specific major or application,please contact the relevant Administrative Assistant.
Administrative Assistant Tel: +961 5 60 30 90 Ext. 501