Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


  • April 20, 2018 - April 20, 2018

    Beauty Redefined


    The RHU Event Marketing & Management Class of 2018 at the College of Business Administration, is proud to announce an exceptional event titled "Beauty Redefined"


    Traditionally a beauty contest is one of that competition that focuses primarily on judging and ranking the physical attributes of individual contestants. However, our event is different. We are redefining beauty. The focus of our contest is incorporating personality traits, intelligence, talent, and innovation together with civic engagement. The beauty we seek goes beyond the spotlight to beauty from within.


    The event is one of the first that Rafik Hariri University will arrange that includes brand new rules and set of conditions pushing the limits way beyond just external beauty standards into inner beauty and social cause. Such opportunity promotes self-confidence and a whole new level of enthusiasm and advantages for further years.


    Our proposed event will demonstrate to the public the high values of RHU.