Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


  • December 09, 2018 - December 09, 2018

    RHU 3rd High School Programing Contest (HSPC)


    Event Title: “RHU 3rd High School Programming Contest (HSPC)”

    Organizing unit: College of Sciences and Information Systems, Computer and Information Systems Department

    Date: Sunday, December 9, 2018

    Location: RHU Campus


    The RHU College of Sciences and Information SystemsComputer and Information Systems Department, is organizing the RHU 3rd High School Programming Contest. It is a 3-hour contest organized by RHU ACM Student Chapter where high school students compete to demonstrate their programming skills and problem-solving abilities.


    Training sessions will be provided to all participants from the third week of October until the beginning of December 2018.


    Winners will get 50% scholarships to study Computer Science at RHU


    Registration Deadline: Wednesday October 17th, 2018


    Registration Link and further information: http://rhu.acm.org/hspc/


    Contact information:

    Dr. Mohamad El-Abed (alabedma@rhu.edu.lb), Mob./WhatsApp:71/386675