Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


  • November 08, 2018 - August 22, 2018

    “RHU Alumni in the Spotlight” first seminar for this year


    Title: “RHU Alumni in the Spotlight” first seminar for this year

    Date: Thursday, November 8, 2018

    Time: 11:00 a.m.

    Location: MEA Conference Hall



    RHU is extremely proud to be hosting RHU Alumnus, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, University Professor and Best-Selling Author of “The Camino Within,” Mr. Tarek Riman. Tarek Riman is Founder of Cap.TaiM, a full-service digital marketing agency (Captaim.com), Montreal Tips (Montrealtips.com), Inspiring Canadians (inspiringcanadians.com).


    “I will be addressing the students & the attendees with a story from the book. (The topic is: How to get out of your comfort zone). And after that, I will be highlighting my journey at HCU and the learnings that helped me get to where I am today.”


    Join us in celebrating Tarek’s return to RHU and get your copy of “The Camino Within.”