The ASCE RHU Student Chapter in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department was awarded the 2024 Letter of Significant Improvement. The Committee on Student Members recommended the chapter for this award based on the activities recorded in the 2023 annual report.
Congratulations to the 2023 ASCE RHU SB represented by Mohamad Abtan (Branch President), Osama Nasr (Vice-President), Nour Arkadan (Secretary), Ahmad Shehab (Treasurer), Hadil Ismail (Web Master), Said Said (External Coordinator), Ahmad Hammoud (Internal Coordinator), and Lab Engineer Ms. May Mard (Society Advisor).
The ASCE Director of Student and Younger Member Programs Leslie Payne sent a letter on April 10, 2024, acknowledging the Chapter’s accomplishments that reflect the enthusiasm and hard work of the student officers and members and the guidance of its faculty advisor.
Leslie Payne further stated, “You, the practitioner advisors, and every individual who had a part in this endeavor should be justifiably proud of his or her contribution to the development of the future of civil engineering.”
RHU commends the ASCE RHU Student Chapter and wishes the members continued success in their future activities.