Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    November 18, 2017
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    BankMed honors RHU Co-op students at its annual Retail Internship Ceremony

    RHU students Hassan Fakhreddine, Abdul Ghani Mogharbel, Nada Oueidat (Management) and Rami Fakhri (Accounting & Finance), had the opportunity to complete their summer Co-op at Bank Med. Their eight weeks of training were nothing less than rewarding as their work engagement, gained experiences, and developed skills were highlighted in the 2017 annual Bank Med Retail Internship Ceremony that took place on Saturday, November 18 at the auditorium of Bank Med Head Office- Clemenceau. RHU Communication and Alumni Relations Office was there to support the students.


    Fifty interns from different universities in Lebanon participated in the ceremony which began with an introductory speech by Mr. Oday Tbaily, Training Officer in the Talent Management & Training department at Bank Med. A presentation was delivered to show the results of the retail internship on the bank sales and how among the last few years the sales of accounts and credit cards has been increased during the internship program period. Mr. Fady Flayhan, Head of Retail, encouraged the interns to be persistent to take advantage from every small issue they learn about. Moreover, he explained how this internship program is considered their first step into the real world to discover what they prefer to pursue in their life. In additional, he ensured to get their feedback on the internship program. A word from Head of Talent Management and Training department, Ms. Rola Ejjeh, stressed the importance of this retail internship and how it benefits all trainees for the future. Ms. Ejjeh added how students were able to rise the numbers differently and distinguish the results of sales on the bank.


    Later on, prizes were distributed to the winners with highest scores in the exam that took place at the end of the internship. In addition, prizes were distributed to the best sellers, trainee who brought high number of sales to the branch during internship. At last, certificates were distributed to all participants and all were invited to a small reception in the hall.

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