Fifteen years have passed since his assassination but we still remember the day when he was among us. His Excellency Late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri’s memory is still vibrant, and more today than ever before. His 15th Annual Martyrdom was commemorated at RHU in a remarkable event organized by the Student Affairs Office and the RHU SRC on Thursday, February 13, 2020 starting 11:00 a.m.
The event hosted Dr. Bilal Hamad as event keynote speaker. It outpoured with emotions and solemn memories of a harsh day when Lebanon lost an extraordinary man. A man who worked hard to alleviate the devastation and hardship of the long and arduous Lebanese Civil War, a visionary who believed in the significance of education.
RHU Vice President for Development, Mr. Hisham Kobrosli welcomed Mrs. Houda Tabbara representing Mrs. Nazek Rafik Hariri, President of RHU Board of Trustees and President of Rafik Hariri Foundation, Mr. Mohammad Saoudi, President of Saida Municipality, and Dr. Bilal Hamad.
RHU student Mohammad El Hajj, representing the RHU Student Representative Committee, delivered a word on the occasion. His word was followed by a video produced jointly by the RHU Photography Club and the SRC. It outpoured bitter emotions that always accompany the harsh memory of this solemn occasion. RHU President, Dr. Makram Suidan, delivered a speech that depicted RHU’s fulfillment of the Martyr’s dream in providing affordable excellence in education to all students, no matter their political or religious affiliations.
Dr. Bilal Hamad delivered a final word with strong key messages that addressed the youth. Not to forget the efforts of Mr. Saudi during the times harsh fires threatened the Rafik Hariri’s beloved campus, for that he was recognized.
The event was concluded by Mr. Kobrosli with an invitation for a small reception along with the flower distribution and the releasing of the peace symbol doves.
“Countries are not built on fanaticism, extremism and egocentric attitudes; they are built on serious, responsible and conscientious work and a patriotic consideration of the country’s welfare before anything else.” – Rafik Hariri