Elections for the 2018 Student Representative Committee is underway. Candidacy began October 2nd and adjourned on the 5th followed by a campaigning period from October 10 to 12, where SRC candidates announced their programs on October 11 to convince students to vote for them. Elections will be taking place on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 following a silent day on Monday, October 15.
“There will be one committee to represent the university as a whole. This committee will be formed of nine students, of which three are from the CE, two from the CBA, two from the CSIS, one from the CA, and one freshman student.” explained Ms. Sahar Hallak, RHU Student Affairs Office Coordinator. “The RHU 2018 Student Representative Committee Elections gives you the chance to vote for the candidates who you deem fit to represent you. The SRC acts in the interest of the student body and the university as a whole. Their actions shall, in all instances, abide by the spirit and letter of the University’s rules and regulations.”
RHU main theatre flooded with RHU students at 11:00 a.m. on October 11 to hear the candidates' plans and commitments.
Cheers to the 2018-2019 SRC candidates:
College of Engineering: Louay Abou Karroum, Ahmad Shawki Charkieh, Zahraa Bassyouni, Ali Serhal, and Baseelandres Ammar.
College of Business: Nadim Al Ghoussainy, Baraa Al Hariri, Mohammad Rawwas, and Kaiss Madi.
College of Sciences and Information Systems: Mahmoud Mansour
College of Arts: Ibrahim Mattar and Shereen Hallab
Freshman Program: Maya Afara and Sanaa Abou Housa