Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    November 13, 2018
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU alumnus and best-selling author of “The Camino Within”; Riman is back at RHU

    With great pleasure and extreme pride, RHU hosted RHU Alumnus, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, UniversityProfessor and Best-Selling Author of “The Camino Within,” Mr. TarekRiman on November 8, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in RHU MEA Conference Hall. This was the first seminar by RHU Communication and Alumni Relations Office for this year, aiming to bring RHU alumni success stories into the spotlight and celebrate their achievements as they return back home to where their journeys first started.
    Reflecting on his years at RHU, Mr. Riman started the seminar by saying, "For me it was never the place, it was the people. The amazing staff that worked hard, the amazing administration, the amazing students that I met here."
    Mr. Tarek Riman then related to the attendees what he accomplished following his graduation from RHU College of Business Administration in 2009. He is the proud founder of Cap.TaiM, a full-service digital marketing agency, in Montreal Canada which he established in 2017 after working 5 to 6 years in the biggest marketing agencies in Canada. “You first have to go through tough times to be able to finally bring something different. You should not be going to work, you should be living work,” he said. He also spoke about establishing MontrealTips.com a blog that receives over 40,000 visitors a month, with all returns going to good causes.
    Mr. Riman presented copies of his book “The Camino Within,” that was rated best-selling book for 2018. In “The Camino Within,” he goes on an adventure through 30 days and 500 miles of the Camino de Santiago, sharing the many revelations and life-changing insights he encountered along the way. From the simple, yet powerful truth that we don’t need as much as we think we do, to the empowering lesson that we are all enough, we just need to know it.
    He ended his seminar by saying, “I always remember what Rafik Hariri said “listen to yourself, don’t believe nothing you hear, believe half what you see and leave the rest to your brain, leave the rest to yourself.”
    At the end of the seminar, faculty, staff and students bought copies of his book. Mr. Riman expressed his interest in contributing the profit to the good cause of assisting needy students at RHU through establishing the “Tarek Riman Fund” for RHU needy students. 
    RHU is extremely proud that it has contributed in one way or another to the jotting down of such an inspiring story of success.


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