Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    April 13, 2018
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU alumnus sparks interest in the electrical engineering program in a seminar at RHU

    The IEEE RHU Student Branch organized their second seminar, "Electrical Engineering: Powering the Universe!" in their Alumni Speaker Series, on Wednesday, April 4, at 11:00 a.m. in the MEA Conference Hall. Achieved alumnus, Mr. Omar Al-Kaaki, Electrical QS Engineer at KVA, delivered the seminar, pointing out to the strengths of the current electrical engineering program at RHU curriculum and how it prepares ELEC graduates to excel in their future jobs. He sparked interest in the program in many students. The seminar was attended by RHU engineering students, from all majors, faculty and staff members. Mr. Omar Al-Kaaki is currently working at KVA, the electric distribution service provider in Beirut and Bekaa. He reviews projects related to MV/LV substations, reinforcement of electric networks, and installation of customers' meters. On May, 2012, one month before joining KVA, Mr. Al-Kaaki delivered an interesting talk where he pointed out the interesting future that is awaiting ELEC graduates especially in the oil and gas field. Other fields where ELEC graduates have excellent opportunities are fields related to automation, construction, consumer electronics, renewable energy, power generation and electrification and utilities. Companies working in those fields exist in Lebanon and the region and are ready to receive ELEC graduates. Mr. Al-Kaaki also pointed out the strengths of the current ELEC curriculum and how it prepares ELEC graduates to excel in their future jobs. The curriculum and instructors at ECE department prepare the ELEC graduate not only technically but also professionally to be productive and excel, according to Mr. Al-Kaaki. Omar graduated from RHU, with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He also pursued a Master’s of Science in Electrical Engineering from Lebanese International University. He has 5 peer-reviewed conference papers in the fields of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids, and he always attends conferences and workshops on the topic. A reception followed the event.

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