Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    July 22, 2016
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU announces five winners of the 10th Annual Co-op Poster Exhibition

    RHU announced five winners for this year’s Co-op Poster Exhibition on July 22. The posters that were ranked in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place and the “Most Popular Poster” were announced in the theatre. The winners received their certificates from RHU Vice President for Academics, Dr. Ahmad Smaili. Money prizes will be later collected by the winners:

    • Ms. Aya Zaidan (CBA-MT) in 1st place- Rotana Arjaan
    • Mr. Noureddine Barakeh (CE- CCE) in 2nd place – ICC
    • Ms. Maryam Jabr (CSIS-GD) in 3rd place – Creative advertising
    • Mr. Mohamad Turyaki (CSIS-CS) in 4th place- Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel
    • Ms. Sara Moaz (CBA- MK) in the “Most Popular Poster”


    A jury consisting of RHU faculty members from all colleges evaluated the posters of all cooping students and collectively nominated eight posters that provided a creative and clear design and were informative about the student’s co-op experience. The eight students of the selected posters then gave an oral presentation of their Co-op work experience. Based on the presentations, four students were chosen as winners. The “Most Popular Poster” was voted by all cooping students participating in the exhibition.  


    Co-op is the unique specialty of RHU as it pioneered this program since its establishment in 1999. RHU provides annually more than 250 internship positions in the most renowned companies. RHU is proud of those partnerships that have been built over the years.

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