Rafik Hariri University
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RHU News

    For Immediate Release
    April 11, 2020
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU CCE student develops an IOT home security system

    RHU computer and communication engineering student, Ahmad Shibly developed an IOT (Internet of Things) home security system based on the project he took in the embedded system course at RHU. Ahmad installed the system in his house in Bekaa.


    The security system consists of open door and fire detection that can actuate the alarm system inside the house and send a notification to the user’s mobile phone whenever the home’s front door is physically opened or a fire breaks anywhere inside the house. The important aspect of this system is its accessibility from any place as long as the phone is connected to the internet.


    The door security system can help detect if anyone, be it your child or a stranger, opens the house’s main door. Moreover, the alarm can be turned on at night to detect any breaking into the house. It also can indicate if the main door is closed securely before leaving the house and if it ever gets opened while away from home. On the other hand, the fire alarm system detects fire in any room inside the house while you are inside or outside your home.


    “This system is very hands-on. All you need is an internet connection and quick access to contacting emergency services and you can avert multiple disasters. The mobile application can also be used to arm and disarm the alarms remotely at any time.”


    View a video about the home security system.

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