RHU Computer and Communication Engineering students and faculty members, Dr. Dina Serhal and Dr. Jad Nasreddine, participated in the first seminar for Internet of Things “IoT” in Lebanon “IoT-Leb: Internet of Things Made for Lebanon.” The seminar was held on Thursday, March 9 in the Faculty of Engineering at Saint Joseph University USJ.
RHU CCE students were exposed to the latest technologies in Computer and Communications engineering. They met with the stakeholders of Lebanese institutions, industries, funding and incubating partners who are involved in the IoT.
“The seminar unveiled innovative ideas related to IoT topics which students can consider as subjects of their summative learning projects,” said Dr. Serhal
“The Internet of Things” is not a single technology, but a set of technological enablers from hardware miniaturization, ubiquitous connectivity, to advanced data analytics and cloud computing.