Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    August 03, 2017
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU celebrates another Co-op season 2017

     RHU celebrated another successful Co-op season on July 26 during its 11th annual Co-op Poster Exhibition. It was a culmination of the students’ Co-op training period and a showcase of their work experiences. RHU announced five winners of this year’s Co-op exhibition. Ms. Zeina Bohsali, Head of Training Development, and Mr. Joseph Khodrshah, Head Technical Instructor, from Middle East Airlines were hosted as the Co-op partner speakers for this year.

    Mr. Khodrshah, briefed the attendees of faculty, staff and co-op students about MEA, its history, milestones and current plans and developments. Ms. Bohsali’s brief statement to the attendees was a testimonial of the skills and abilities who the RHU students who received their training at MEA. “RHU students are always well-prepared, serious, responsible and honest. The majority are qualified to reach high positions in their future career life” said Ms. Bohsali.

    A jury of RHU faculty members from all colleges evaluated the posters of all Co-op students. They collectively nominated six posters that provided a creative and clear design and were informative about the student’s co-op experience. These students gave an oral presentation of their Co-op work experience, based on which, three students were announced as winners. Moreover, the “Most Popular Poster” was voted by all Coop students participating in the exhibition.

    The winners received their certificates and prizes from RHU President, Dr. Ahmad Smaili. The winners are:
    Ms. Rayan Khattab (CSIS-CS) in 1st place- Cleartag
    Ms. Nada Oueidat (CBA-MT) in 2nd place – BankMed
    Ms. Manal Kassab (CE-CV) in 3rd place – Laceco Architect
    Mr. Amjad Abou Zaher (CBA- AF) and Ms. Zeina El Chami (CBA- MK) in “Most Popular Poster”

    Co-op is the unique specialty of RHU. RHU pioneered this program in 1999 to give its students an opportunity to test and apply the classroom knowledge, skills and competencies in the workplace. Students learn and gain a lot through Co-op. RHU is thankful to all Co-op partners. More than 250 co-op training opportunities in the most renowned companies are made available annually for our students.

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    11:00 AM-12:00 PM
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