RHU celebrated the end of another successful Co-op season on August 6, 2018 during its 12th Annual Co-op Poster Exhibition. More than 250 Co-op training opportunities, in the most renowned companies, were made available for students as part of RHU’s Coop and Career Services Program. Four winners of this year’s Coop Poster Exhibition received their certificates and prizes from the Communication and Alumni Relations- Co-op and Career Services Office. The winners were:
Ms. Lara El Bachouti (CBA-MT) in 1st place- Leo Burnett
Ms. Sara Katergy (CSIS-CS) in 2nd place – Mirum
Ms. Mira Al Kamand (CE-CCE) in 3rd place – CNS-ICC
Ms. Mariam Kozbar (CSIS-GD) for the “Most Popular Poster” voted for by all cooping students.
This year the exhibition went virtual. All the posters were uploaded and voted for online in alignment with RHU Sustainable Campus Initiative. A jury of RHU faculty members from all colleges evaluated the posters of all Co-op students. They collectively nominated six posters that provided a creative and clear design and were informative about the student’s co-op experience. These students gave an oral presentation of their Co-op work experience, based on which, three students were announced as winners. Moreover, the “Most Popular Poster” was voted for by all Coop students participating in the exhibition.
Co-op is the unique specialty of RHU. RHU pioneered this program in 1999 to give its students an opportunity to test and apply the classroom knowledge in the workplace. Despite the challenges the students face during their training, Coop empowers them with work competencies and skills. Students learn and gain a lot through Co-op. RHU is thankful to all Co-op partners. More than 250 co-op training opportunities in the most renowned companies are made available annually for our students.