Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    September 22, 2023
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU Clubs and Societies gear up to recruit new members for 2023-2024

    RHU students flocked to the annual Clubs and Societies Recruitment Fair on September 2, 2023. You could see booths under blue tents lining the upper campus where Club and Society representatives geared up to recruit new members into their student organizations. The crowd was huge, and the atmosphere was vibrant. It was a chance for students to mesh with like-minded peers and get the most out of campus life.




    According to the Student Affairs Assistant Director, Ms. Sahar Hallak, there is a diverse range of clubs and societies for students looking to get involved in campus and college life.





    The Clubs included Music, Athletics, Theater, Artificial Intelligence, Public Speaking and Debate, Gaming, Community Service, Trending, Google Development, Physics and Astronomy, First Aid, Chess, and Robotics Clubs. 




    As for the College Societies that aim to practice and propagate a program or profession, students met the Personal Development and the Investment Societies affiliated with the College of Business Administration, the ASCE, IEEE, ASME, and EMBS at the College of Engineering, and the Design, GDSC, and WIE Societies at the College of Arts and Sciences. All shared their purposes and plans at their dedicated booths.




    Ms. Hallak wished students a fruitful and rewarding semester ahead. “With your involvement and dedication, we are confident that this year will be one of growth, learning, and confident change.”


    Seeing their spirit and enthusiasm, RHU Clubs and Societies will surely keep students engaged and connected throughout the academic year.




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