RHU College of Arts announced the winners of its 4th Annual “I Care” National School Competition on Thursday, March 22, 2018. 15 winners of the video, public speaking and essay writing competitions (Arabic and English), and 3 team winners of the sustainability project competition received 25% - 50% scholarships from RHU. Moreover, all the participants in the public speaking competition can compete again in Mr. Zaven Kouyoumidjian TV show, Bala Toul Sire on Future TV, and win a full scholarship from RHU.
The winners of the English essay competition are Mohammad Harb (Kawthar High School), Jana Hamid (Al Makassed Secondary Ali Bin Abi Talib) and Ghani Abu Diab (Baaklin Official High School).
The winners of the Arabic essay writing are in the order from first place to third: Ala Shaito (Bazuriya secondary school), Amar Salman (Al-Mabarrat - Al Kawthar High School), and Hussein Mousa (Bazuriya High School).
The winners of the Arabic language speech competition are in order from first to third place: Mohammed Hamid (secondary Qurnayil official), Jannie Marzouq (Rafik Hariri High School), and Haya Chahimi (Al-Bishara Orthodox School, Beirut).
The winners of the English language competition are in order from first to third place, Noor al-Moussawi (Al-Mabarrat - Al Kawthar High School), and Hana Maaz (Makassed Ali Bin Abi Talib School).
The winners of the video contest are in order from first to third place: Jannah Abu Shahin (Qarnayel High School), Aseel Al Masri (Qarnayil High School), and Natali Abu Shahin (Qarnayil High School).
Hariri High School II (Beirut) ranked in the first place of the sustainability project category. The second and third places both went to Almakassed Ali bin Abi Talib.
The Chair of the Humanities and Languages Department, Dr. Hiam Loutfi, welcomed the attendees with a brief speech that highlighted the ability of any individual to make a difference in his community. Then, the semifinalists of the public speaking competition presented their speeches one by one in front of the jury members to chose the first, second and third place winners. The winners were announced in the presence of RHU President, Dr. Ahmad Smaili.
All competition categories were characterized by committees composed of specialists namely Mr. Zaven Koyoumidjian, Ms. Mona Shahin, Mr. Mahmoud Majed, and Mr. Kamal Terro, in addition to RHU professors, Dr. Mahmoud Halablab, Dr. Rida Nuwayhid, and Dr. Najwa Fares. It was characterized by the uniting theme "I Care" for all competition categories, where the candidate can choose between one of the three topics namely I Care for the Arabic language, human rights or integration.