Rafik Hariri University


    For Immediate Release
    December 19, 2019
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU College of Business Administration first in Lebanon to obtain ACBSP accreditation in all its programs

    RHU College of Business Administration received international accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) for the next ten years. The Council specializes in accrediting colleges and business administration programs globally based on the quality and excellence of learning and education. Thus, it will be the first university in Lebanon to obtain this accreditation for all eight business administration programs, namely:


    Accounting; Business Information Technology Management; Finance and Banking; Human Resources Management; Management; Marketing and Advertising; Master of Business Administration; and Master in Oil and Gas Management.


    This, and the executive summary issued by the independent evaluation committee charged by the Accreditation Council, indicates that "The College of Business Administration is characterized by an effective methodology of work, cooperation, collective decision-making, individual interest in the student, the relentless pursuit of quality and quality of education and focus on results."


    ACBSP accreditation enhances the confidence in the programs of the College of Business Administration at RHU and indicates that it meets the standards for the quality of education, as it recognizes the excellence of its educational programs and its focus on students mainly so as to ensure that they obtain the desired results and skills from their educational investments that employers want.


    The ACBSP accreditation focuses on the study of leadership, strategic planning, quality of the academic programs, faculty credentials, and educational support to students. It also assesses the ability of the programs to provide students with a positive and comprehensive educational experience and their commitment to improving quality standards to meet the needs of the labor market, with full awareness of the importance of scientific research and encouraging a balance between research and education.


    RHU President, Professor Makram Suidan, is particularly proud of the statement issued by ACBSP, which summarizes what RHU provides “an educational environment that supports students in a large and positive way in all programs without exception.” He pledges that this character of the University along with the provision of delivering “affordable Excellence in Education” will continue to be our primary mission as an institution of higher learning.


    The Dean of the College of Business Administration, Dr. Jamil Hammoud, praises the solidarity of the efforts of all professors and employees in the College of Business Administration and other units at the university, which joined forces and integrated to achieve this qualitative achievement. Dr. Hammoud adds, "Rafik Hariri University has always provided quality higher education; but this American accreditation, known for the rigor of its standards, gives us international recognition for our quality and excellence."


    The ACBSP Accreditation Council was established in 1988 as a US non-profit, non-governmental accreditation institution, recognized by the US Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). It is the only global accredited body for business education and the only organization that provides accreditation to all levels of business education programs including PhD.


    To this end, the Council works within the framework of a global network divided geographically into 11 regions, and its accreditation has been granted to more than 1000 universities around the world. ACBSP employees provide workshops and seminars on issues related to business education in a series of regional meetings open exclusively to all members.


    The Rafik Hariri University (RHU) was established by its founder in September 1999 to promote his vision of providing affordable excellence in education to all, regardless of faith or political affiliation. Since then, this university has evolved into an institution of firsts and a hub for innovators and entrepreneurs. Celebrating its twentieth year as a top educational institution in September 2019, RHU is proud of the significant impact it has made on the Lebanese society and beyond.


    More information about ACBSP, its communities, members and accreditation standards used to evaluate programs can be found at www.acbsp.org


    For more information about RHU’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in Business Administration visit https://www.rhu.edu.lb/academics/college-of-business-administration


    Congratulations RHU! Way to GO!

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