Seven graphic design students contributed to the Graphic Design exhibition entitled “Independence in 75 Designs” that marked the 75th anniversary of Lebanese Independence. The exhibition’s opening ceremony was held under the patronage of the Head of the Education and Culture Committee MP Bahia Hariri on Monday, November 19, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. in the Municipality of Saida. MP Bahia Hariri acknowledged the efforts of all designers and announced that all posters will be permanently exhibited in the Municipality of Saida.
The posters were also exhibited in the first under water exhibition that was visited by the Lebanese army scuba divers and a video was shown during the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
The participating students are Ms. Sara Al Muzayin, Ms. Mariam Al Muzayin, Ms. Razan Mikdash, Ms. Dana Abdallah, Ms. Fadia Hamoui, Ms. Aya Karout and Mr. George Istanboulieh received awards of appreciation for their efforts.
Congratulations to all!