As a culmination of the Co-op work experiences of RHU students for the 15-16 academic year, RHU Development – Communication and Alumni Relations in coordination with Community Outreach Office organized the 10th annual Co-op Poster Exhibition on Thursday, July 21, 2016. Around 80 Co-op posters on display provided valuable advice and tips on how to best benefit from co-op.
Ms. Dima Ghazleh and Ms. Hiba Harakeh, from Jubaili Bros Company were RHU’s guest speakers in this event. Ms. Ghazleh delivered a presentation about the company and its internship program and gave some advices on how to benefit from the training program.
The voting results that ranked the posters in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place and the “Most Popular Poster” were announced. Vice President for Academics, Dr Ahmad Smaili distributed the certificates to the winners.
The event started at 9:00 am where all posters were displayed in the exhibition in the presence of RHU students, faculty members and staff members. A jury consisting RHU faculty members from all colleges evaluated the posters and collectively nominated eight posters that provided a creative and clear design and were informative about the student’s co-op experience. The selected posters then gave an oral presentation of their Co-op work experience and 4 of them were the winners.
Co-op is the unique specialty of RHU as it pioneered this program since its establishment in 1999. RHU provides annually more than 250 internship positions in the most renowned companies. RHU is proud of those partnerships that have been built over the years.