Fifty young programmers from around the nation’s schools and institutes gathered at RHU on Sunday, December 10, 2017 for the wrapping stage of RHU’s second annual High School Programming Contest (HSPC). This event is organized annually by RHU Computer and Information Systems Department in the College of Sciences and Information Systems CSIS in attempt to spread computer programming know-how among Lebanese high school students. The competition continued from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm and three students from Iman High School Saida emerged as winners.
Having underwent vigorous training at RHU computer laboratories during the months of November and December 2017, it was time to determine the winners. Students challenged each other with their programming skills and knowledge throughout a fun and educational day. First place went to Mohamad Nasser, second place to Taha Yaseen, and third place to Mohamad Samadi. The winners received cash and scholarship awards from RHU.