Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    September 09, 2016
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU Student Affairs Office holds Orientation for Work Study Students

    RHU Student Affairs Office organized an orientation session for students participating in RHU Work Study Program on Thursday, September 9. Ms. Sahar Hallak, Student Affairs Associate, explained the Program's regulations and procedures to the participating students. 

    Around 160 students participating in Work Study will assume part-time jobs at designated offices and departments at RHU during Fall 2016.

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    11:00 AM-12:00 PM
    Nazek Rafik Hariri Distinguished Series, Lecture 7, Dr. Gus Eghneim, OOP, MEA