Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”

RHU News

    For Immediate Release
    February 27, 2020
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU students are the proud winners of the “My Town is My Culture” national competition

    RHU graphic design and computer science students in the College of Arts and Sciences are the proud winners of the “My Town is My Culture” national competition launched by the Rashaya Professional Association for Culture and Arts in cooperation with the Lebanese Ministry of Culture. The project consists of designing a website and a mobile application that connect all the Lebanese towns, municipalities, craftsmen, artists and link them with the Lebanese diaspora around the world.



    The Rashaya Professional Association for Culture and Arts, represented by its President Mr. Shawky Dallal honored the RHU students during a special event held at RHU MEA Conference Hall on December 20, 2020 between 9 am and 12 pm. Shields of honor were presented to RHU and to the winning students.



    The event was attended by the representative of the Lebanese Ministry of Culture, the Director of the National Library in Baakline, Mr. Ghazi Saab, Dr. Hiam Lotfi, professor and Dean of RHU College of Arts and Sciences, Ms. Serene Srouji, associate professor and Chair of RHU Graphic Design Department and the project supervisor, Dr. Mohamad El Abed, associate professor and Chair of the Computer and Information Systems Department, and RHU assistant professor Ms. Dalia Khodur and lecturer Mr. Rawad Dallal, students, artists and intellects.



    Around 30 RHU graphic design and computer science students worked on this project. According to Mr. Shawky Dallal “The work was impressive in terms of the level of design that mimics globalism with their modernity and at the same time kept pace with the nature and scope of the project.


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    11:00 AM-12:00 PM
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