Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    December 19, 2016
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU students attend a seminar on investment decisions

    RHU Accounting Society members attended an industry seminar about the management accounting profession and bespoke on investment decisions on Tuesday, December 13 at Morgan International in Beirut.


    Students were able to acquire additional understanding of investment decisions, incremental cash flows and how capital budgeting can estimate future cash flows generated by investment projects. Moreover, they learned about evaluation techniques and how to analyze the outcome’s effect on the organization.

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  • April 29, 2025
    11:00 AM-12:00 PM
    Nazek Rafik Hariri Distinguished Series, Lecture 7, Dr. Gus Eghneim, OOP, MEA