Eleven RHU teams comprising 37 RHU students from the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department, IEEE RHU Student Branch, and the CCEE 426 (Design of Embedded Systems) course participated in the Resilient City challenge hosted by Hackster and Microchip. The 11 teams submitted a proposal for a comprehensive system that reads sensor data and then creates an action to address different smart city scenarios.
The proposal entitled SmartIrrigate, submitted by the team consisting of CCE students Tania Ajab, Tala El-Cherkawi, Mohamad El Kadiry, and Natalia Shamma as well as BIOM student Jad Rafeh, was evaluated by international judges and compared to other proposals from around the world. It was deemed one of the best 100 and was among the 20 proposals that were awarded a free Microchip AVR IoT chip to bring the project to life.
The proposal aimed at integrating real-time data from soil moisture sensors, weather conditions, and plant requirements, to optimize watering schedules and promote water conservation and efficient agricultural practices. The project will incorporate an AI/ML component for dynamic decision-making and use the AVR-IoT Cellular Mini for remote monitoring and control.