Rafik Hariri University
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    April 13, 2017
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    RHU team to the final round of the Microsoft Imagine Cup National Competition

    Presenting an artificial bladder mobile application based on a cloud platform: Microsoft Windows Azure Cloud, a team of three RHU students from different majors succeeded in reaching the final round of the Microsoft Imagine Cup National Competition on Tuesday April 11, 2017.


    The team was supervised by the Chair of the Department of Computer and Information Systems, Dr. Mohamad Al Abed, and mentored by RHU alumnus Mostafa Dafer.


    The team members included RHU students Khaled Zaatari (mechatronics with minor in computer science), Hind Antar (Graphic Design), and Farah Wehbi (business administration). The final round is anticipated at the end of April 2017.


    Good Luck!

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