The RHU Design Department in the College of Sciences and Information Systems hosted Ms. Ghada Sadek for a seminar about the late renowned Lebanese caricaturist and defender of the freedom of expression, her father Mr. Pierre Sadek. The lecture took place on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the MEA Hall.
Ms. Sadek presented a documentary about Pierre Sadek’s life and artistic journey as well as various samples of his controversial work that depicted the Lebanese social and political status.
She spoke about the mission of the Pierre Sadek Foundation and invited RHU graphic design students to be part of the third edition of “Trophée: La Plume de Pierre 2019” competition for editorial caricatures. The lecture was very inspiring to graphic design faculty and students who became eager to be part of the competition that will take place in January 2019.
Pierre Sadek was considered the pioneer of political cartooning. He died in April 2013 after which the “Pierre Sadek Foundation” was established in November of the same year to safeguard the artist’s vast output and promote his beliefs in democracy, freedom of expression, and social responsibility.