Rafik Hariri University

RHU Blogs

    For Immediate Release
    September 06, 2024
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
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    RHU: Where Triumphs Are Born!

    Meet RHU Lab Engineer Mohammad Kaderi


    Today, I am an MME lab engineer and instructor at the RHU College of Engineering. My journey at RHU has been full of hard work and accomplishments. As I move forward, I carry the lessons, memories, and relationships that have shaped my journey.



    “RHU was not just a university; it was where I discovered my potential, faced challenges head-on, and grew into who I am today.”


    Reflecting on my learning experience at RHU, I see a journey filled with ups and downs, moments of uncertainty, and bursts of happiness. The challenges I faced, the failures I experienced, and the successes I accomplished have all shaped the person I am today. I am deeply grateful for all of it, even the moments of failure that pushed me to grow, persevere, and achieve things I might never have imagined.


    As J.K. Rowling once said, "It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default."


    This whole experience reaffirmed my belief that everything happens under the will of God, who always knows what is best for us. We only need to trust in His plan, learn from our mistakes, and keep moving forward. As the famous quote goes, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that count."


    The Spider that Changed My Life



    “It was a robot spider at the RHU booth during a university exhibition that bluntly changed my life.”


    I always had a passion for engineering in high school. However, I was drawn to something unique. During a university exhibition, I was captivated by a robotic spider controlled by a PlayStation controller at the RHU booth. I was told that as a mechatronics engineer, I could build even more advanced systems and robots with practical, real-world uses. At that moment, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in mechatronics engineering.


    I made sure to attend the open house event at RHU. The moment I stepped onto the RHU campus, its beauty struck me. I headed directly to the Engineering College booth. What amazed me was when they brought out a large engine, turned it on, and roared to life with flames shooting out. The sound was incredibly powerful. RHU quickly became my dream university, and I made the most important decision of my life. I registered at RHU just one week before the Fall 2017 semester began. Here is when a transformative chapter in my life unfolded.


    10 Years of Hard Work and Accomplishment



    Throughout my time at RHU, I had a fulfilling journey marked by various achievements. My advisor, Dr. Bassam Muslim, gave me invaluable guidance, shaping my academic journey. I engaged in projects such as building my first robot and working with the Work-Study Student Program. Despite facing challenges, I persevered and excelled, even turning a setback into a success. My experiences at RHU enriched my academic growth and strengthened my passion for teaching and mentoring. From working with power supplies to programming robotic arms, I embraced numerous projects that fueled my passion for engineering. Additionally, I participated in entrepreneurial competitions and even appeared on TV through the "Stars of Science" program.


    In my final semester, I built strong relationships with Dr. Hassan Hariri, Dr. Rami Al Khatib, and Dr. Bassam Muslim. They became my mentors and helped me navigate my academic journey. I began two research papers with Dr. Hassan Hariri with the hope of getting them published. I was offered the chance to be a teaching assistant for the AutoCAD course, which fueled my passion for teaching and sparked a new dream. “As I approached the end of my college journey, I grappled with the decision of pursuing a career as a university instructor or starting my own business.”


    I bet you know what I've finally decided to do.


    My Career Journey begins at RHU.



    Reflecting on my past, I'm grateful for the experiences that shaped me into the engineer I am today. I was offered a position as a lab engineer and instructor. Dr. Nadim asked me to teach two lab-based, fourth-year courses, which was a big challenge, but I agreed and worked hard to create strong syllabi and course content. With Dr. Nadim's support, I succeeded in teaching the courses, and he trusted me to teach one of them again the following year.


    After joining the department, Dr. Ahmad Koubeissi became my master’s degree thesis advisor and guided me through a fascinating topic with significant implications for the future of robotics. My hard work paid off when Dr. Koubeissi announced that I had passed my thesis and earned my master’s degree in 2024, making myself, my parents, and my friends proud. Now, I am set on pursuing a Ph.D. with Dr. Koubeissi’s mentorship.


    Exciting Times Ahead



    After Dr. Bassam Moslem left, the Student Technology Club's energy lingered. I initiated a new club — the Robotics and Technology Club. Despite a slow start, we achieved impressive results in the WRO robotics competition, which motivated us to persevere. Our team encountered challenges in various competitions, including setbacks in the D.A.R.E. competition. Yet, we secured a 3D printer for the club and gained recognition in the ASME EFX workshops. Our victories in various competitions solidified the reputation of RHU’s Robotics and Technology Club. Our club became well-known and attracted interest from external clubs like NASA Space Apps. After a year of hard work, we clinched first-place trophies at the WRO. Throughout this journey, the Robotics and Technology Club has always been about empowering students and creating something special that will endure beyond my time.