The Office serves as the link between RHU and the larger national and international communities. It works on establishing new relationships and strengthening ties with alumni, friends, students (current and prospective), and other key individual and institutional constituencies. It also promotes the RHU name, mission and vision through publications, media exposure, events, and other marketing and public relations strategies. The office is responsible for upgrading the campus facilities to include the educational tools, laboratories, offices, student center, and sports. Moreover, the Information Technology Department exists to provide optimal IT solutions to support the University students, faculty, and staff in their quest to achieve excellence in teaching, learning, research and service. It is also responsible for developing and maintaining the RHU website. RHU Development works on enhancing RHU support system by assisting donors in contributing to the sustenance and expansion of RHU’s role in the national, regional, and international communities through funds and gifts in-kind. It also seeks to support RHU’s objective of teaching and research by assisting faculty in seeking research funding.